
1. Identificação
Tipo de ReferênciaArtigo em Evento (Conference Proceedings)
Código do Detentorisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Última Atualização2017: (UTC) banon
Repositório de Metadadossid.inpe.br/marte2/2017/
Última Atualização dos Metadados2018: (UTC) administrator
Chave de CitaçãoSilvaPiGuCaSoGoGu:2017:AnCeEp
TítuloAnálise do cenário epidemiológico da malária no município de Melgaço-PA a partir da aplicação do geoprocessamento
Data de Acesso27 abr. 2024
Tipo SecundárioPRE CN
Número de Arquivos1
Tamanho1554 KiB
2. Contextualização
Autor1 Silva, Laryssa de Cassia Tork da
2 Pinheiro, Alcione Ferreira
3 Guimarães, Luis Henrique Rocha
4 Catete, Clístenes Pamplona
5 Soffiatti, Nelson Fernando Lisboa
6 Gonçalves, Nelson Veiga
7 Guimarães, Ricardo José de Paula Souza e
Endereço de e-Mail do Autor1 laryssatork@hotmail.com
EditorGherardi, Douglas Francisco Marcolino
Aragão, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de
Endereço de e-Maildaniela.seki@inpe.br
Nome do EventoSimpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 18 (SBSR)
Localização do EventoSantos
Data28-31 maio 2017
Editora (Publisher)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Cidade da EditoraSão José dos Campos
Título do LivroAnais
OrganizaçãoInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Histórico (UTC)2017-11-13 17:21:12 :: banon -> administrator :: 2017
2018-06-06 03:11:30 :: administrator -> banon :: 2017
3. Conteúdo e estrutura
É a matriz ou uma cópia?é a matriz
Estágio do Conteúdoconcluido
ResumoIn recent years, geotechnologies have become important tools for analyzing the epidemiological distribution of events. Thus, based on the use of geoprocessing, this study aims to promote a spatiotemporal analysis of malaria in Melgaço-PA between 2009 and 2013. First, the epidemiological summary was debugged by the probable location of the infection of malaria cases in the System Epidemiological Surveillance of Malaria (Malaria-Sivep). Following was held georeferencing of 23 localities, where 1,129 cases occurred, using a Global Positioning Receiver (GPS). Thereafter, the data were aggregated to the IBGE cartographic databases and the Landsat-TM images. Finally, visual expressions were created by applying the kernel density estimator for each year of the period studied. The most affected regions were the municipal seat and rural localities of the municipality, Ilha do Laguna and Cidade. It was not observed the existence of a definite pattern of distribution, because despite the existence of clusters, the cases were found in several areas of the county. However, most of the geo-referenced probable infection points were distributed at the margins of flooded areas, with steady water, which is favorable to the dissemination of anopheles vectors. This flooded area is habited by a low income population, predominantly living in wood dwellings, facilitating the entrance of mosquitos and therefore allowing the vector-man contact. This study allowed the dimensioning of the epidemiological scenario of this disease, indicating the location of housing, low conditions of living , and housing as main variables responsible for the risk of acquiring the disease.
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Arranjo 2urlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção anterior à 2021 > DIDSR > SBSR 18 > Análise do cenário...
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4. Condições de acesso e uso
URL dos dadoshttp://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP6W34M/3PSMD27
URL dos dados zipadoshttp://urlib.net/zip/8JMKD3MGP6W34M/3PSMD27
Arquivo Alvo60208.pdf
Grupo de Usuáriosbanon
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5. Fontes relacionadas
Repositório Espelhourlib.net/www/2011/
Unidades Imediatamente Superiores8JMKD3MGP6W34M/3PMFNUS
Lista de Itens Citandosid.inpe.br/marte2/2017/ 1
Acervo Hospedeirodpi.inpe.br/marte2/2013/
6. Notas
Campos Vaziosaffiliation archivingpolicy archivist callnumber contenttype copyholder copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination doi edition group issn keywords lineage mark nextedition notes numberofvolumes orcid parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project readergroup readpermission resumeid rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarykey secondarymark serieseditor session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark tertiarytype url versiontype volume
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